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immunity to corrosion中文是什么意思

用"immunity to corrosion"造句"immunity to corrosion"怎么读"immunity to corrosion" in a sentence


  • 抗腐蚀性


  • As a new structural engineering material , continuous carbon fiber sheet ( cfs ) has many advantages of excellent mechanical strength and deformation property , convenience in use , low weight , non - dimensional increase , and immunity to corrosion . the cfrp - strengthening technique has attracted many researchers and engineers in the world
  • As a new structural engineering material , continuous carbon fiber sheet ( cfs ) has many advantages of excellent mechanical properties , such as high intension , convenience in use , low weight , non - dimensional increase , and immunity to corrosion , etc . in recent years , it has been put into use in the strengthening of reinforced concrete
    碳纤维布( cfs )作为一种具有良好力学性能的新材料,它具有抗拉强度高、重量轻、抗腐蚀、抗疲劳等优点,在钢筋混凝土结构加固领域的应用越来越广泛。近十几年来,人们对用cfs进行钢筋混凝土结构加固进行了大量研究,集中于利用cfs加固梁、柱、板等结构,证明了其具有很高的推广价值和巨大的社会经济效益。
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